
As a part of its continued dedication to its students’ health, well-being and safety, the School considers it necessary to be made aware of, and to have access to the students’ medical information. The School believes that having access to vital medical information will facilitate effective management of the health of students who suffer from chronic illnesses and other physical and mental health conditions during times of medical emergencies or injuries at the School premises.

This Student Medical Information Disclosure Policy (“Policy”) encapsulates the terms on which the School shall seek medical and health information from its students, and the terms on which such information shall be used by the School and safeguarded at all times.

2. Purpose, Objectives and Scope of the Policy

The Policy is intended to regulate the disclosure, use and storage of medical information of the School’s students. To this end, the Policy explains the manner in which medical information will be collected by the School, the duty of the parents to disclose relevant information, the conditions and circumstances under which the School may use such information, and terms on which the School shall store the information.

This Policy applies to all students of the School, independent of their age, grade and date of enrollment. This Policy shall be provided to parents of all students of the School.

3. Collection of Medical Information

The School shall collect medical information of the students from parents, in the form and manner provided in Appendix I to this Policy, on an annual basis. The School may choose to collect medical information more frequently, if the need arises.

The parents of all students are urged to cooperate with the initiative of the School, by duly submitting the filled-in and signed Appendix I to this Policy.

In the event of a newly diagnosed medical condition during the relevant period, the parent of such student shall submit a fresh form provided in Appendix I to this Policy, at the earliest possible date after diagnosis.

4. Use of Medical Information by the School

The School shall use the Medical Information of a student to take measures to provide medical treatment or health services to a student, more particularly in the following circumstances:

  1. In the event of a medical emergency involving a threat to the life or immediate threat to the health of the student during School hours, or at the School premises;
  2. To provide first-aid medical treatment or health services to a student who has sustained injuries during School hours, or at the School premises;
  3. In the event that the parents of a student, expressly and in writing, request the School to use the student’s medical information for a specific purpose, and the School expressly consents to such use.

Save and except the circumstances listed above, the School shall not use the medical information for a student for any other purposes.

In the event of a medical emergency involving a student, the School shall, at the earliest, notify the student’s emergency contact person of the same. The School shall not be held responsible for administering medical treatment to a student, or managing the health conditions of a student except to the extent stated in this Paragraph IV.

5.Storage of Medical Information

All medical information disclosed by each student shall be held and stored by the School in strict confidence. The School undertakes that it shall not disclose, in any manner whatsoever and through any means whatsoever, the medical information of its students to any third-party, including other students, parents/guardians of other students, government authorities, etc.

Upon transfer of a student from the School, the School undertakes to destroy all medical disclosures obtained from such student.

6. Withdrawal of Medical Information

The parents/guardians of a student may, at any time and in writing, choose to withdraw the medical information disclosed to the School. The School shall forthwith destroy all medical information of the student in its possession.

In the event of withdrawal of a student’s medical information from the School, the School shall not be responsible to provide relevant medical information to emergency health care providers in the event of a medical emergency concerning the student during School hours or at the School premises.

7.. Amendment of this Policy

The School reserves the right to amend, alter, withdraw or replace this Policy at any time of its choosing. The School undertakes to notify the parents of all its students’ of any amendments, alterations, withdrawals or replacements made to this Policy.