School Policies

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School Policies:

The school policies and procedures are in place to ensure the safety and comfort for all in the School. Here is a ready reckoner for the school policies. Please note that all policies are subject to change based on the situation prevailing at that time.

General Guidelines:

The School retains the right to determine its policies. Parents are requested to co-operate with the School authorities in enforcing them.

  • Every student must carry his Deens Day Book and Identity Card to School each day.
  • The School gates will be closed at 8.05 am. We have a zero tolerance policy on late coming.
  • Parents are requested to enter the campus, after making an entry in the register with the security personnel.
  • Parents or visitors may not enter the premises between 8.30am and 8.45am.
  • Parents are requested to procure an ID Card for themselves from the School with a payment of Rs. 100/-.
  • You are requested to carry your ID card at all times while entering the School.
  • All visitors to the school are requested to be in formal attire inside the school premises.
  • The School endeavours to keep the communication lines open between parents and faculty.
  • All written communication from parents to teachers and vice-versa will be via ERP or the Deens Day Book, using the pages allotted for this purpose.
  • The School is not responsible for items that are misplaced or lost. All lost property that is collected will be made available at the Lost & Found Section in the main office.
  • Students are not allowed to bring valuable articles like expensive watches, fountain pens, digital gadgets. MP3 players, toys, etc., to school. In case of any violation of this rule, the article will be confiscated.
  • No student is permitted to bring a mobile phone to the school. If there is a genuine need to do so, then the child is expected to deposit the mobile with the Principal/ Centre head, each morning and collect it on his/her way home.
  • Bullying and the use of foul language is not acceptable anywhere in the school premises or on the school buses.
  • The school does not take any responsibility for money brought by students.
  • The Management has the right to take action as is deemed appropriate on any student from the school whose conduct has been found unsatisfactory in spite of repeated warnings (please note the discipline policy).
  • Parents are not allowed to enter classrooms except during Open House (Commingle/ Jamboree) or only with the explicit permission from of the Principal.
  • Parents are requested to inform the school immediately if there is a change in telephone number or address and update it on the student ERP.
  • In or out of uniform, students are expected to behave in a manner that brings pride to themselves, their families and the school.
  • All communication, homework schedule, etc., must be acknowledged/ countersigned by the parents. This confirms that the parents have read them.
  • Parents are expected to regularly attend all open house and School events to which they are invited.
  • Photography within the campus is not permitted without prior consent of the Principal.
  • Students are expected to respect the property and facilities of the school. A student is liable to pay for damaging school property within two weeks of receiving an invoice.